[Openstack] Can't access public/floating IP (Was: FWaaS problem - router stopped routing)

Turbo Fredriksson turbo at bayour.com
Sat Jul 16 18:40:56 UTC 2016

Well, never mind. Redid it a couple of more times, debugging
every step and it seems to be working.

Sort of.

I create rules, policy, firewall etc like this:

----- s n i p -----
for net in 97.0 98.0 99.0 0.250; do

    for prot in tcp udp icmp; do
        [ "${net}" = "250" ] && action="allow"
        if [ "${prot}" = "icmp" ]; then
            dest_port="--destination-port 1:65535"

        neutron firewall-rule-create --enabled True --protocol "${prot}" \
            --ip-version 4 --shared --name "fw-rule-${net}-${prot}" \
            --action "${action}" --destination-ip-address "10.${net}.0/24" \
            --source-ip-address ${dest_port}

rules="$(neutron firewall-rule-list  --format csv --column id --quote none | \                                                                                
    grep -v ^id)"
neutron firewall-policy-create --shared --firewall-rules "${rules}" \

neutron firewall-create --router provider-tenants --name firewall-tenants \
----- s n i p -----

On the "" tenant network, I have a CirrOS instance, which
I can access without a problem on that network (if I don't enable/create
a firewall). Which is what I'm trying to hinder! So I deny everything TO
that network.

The "" is my floating IP network. I'm _allowing_ everything
on that network. This network is also part of my
external/physical network (where my physical Openstack hosts
are and does not need additional routing).

Without a FW, I can access both these IPs (both one on and
the floating IP on on the instance just fine.

But when enabling/creating the FW, I can't access any of them! Not
accessing the first is obvious (and intentional), but the second I
did not expect. I had expected to be able to access that at least,
which was the whole point..
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