[Openstack] Errors in neutron-server while launching VM

Rahul Arora rahul1991.arora at gmail.com
Fri Oct 16 09:40:45 UTC 2015

Hi Team.

I am trying to run Openstack KILO release on my Ubuntu 14.04 x86 machine.I
am able to run all the services.i.e glance,nova.keystone,neutron etc

But when i am trying to launch VM using below command manually.

*nova boot --image 8f6e2973-c048-4445-8c31-38e159c930fc --flavor m1.tiny

I am getting below error in *neutron-server *service.

2015-10-06 02:29:53.894 8064 TRACE neutron.api.v2.resource
self.errorhandler(self, exc, value)
2015-10-06 02:29:53.894 8064 TRACE neutron.api.v2.resource   File
"/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/MySQLdb/connections.py", line 36, in
2015-10-06 02:29:53.894 8064 TRACE neutron.api.v2.resource     raise
errorclass, errorvalue
2015-10-06 02:29:53.894 8064 TRACE neutron.api.v2.resource OperationalError:
(OperationalError) (1054, "Unknown column 'networks.mtu' in 'field list'")
'SELECT networks.tenant_id AS networks_tenant_id, networks.id AS
networks_id, networks.name AS networks_name, networks.status AS
networks_status, networks.admin_state_up AS networks_admin_state_up,
networks.shared AS networks_shared, networks.mtu AS networks_mtu,
networks.vlan_transparent AS networks_vlan_transparent,
ipallocationpools_1.id AS ipallocationpools_1_id,
ipallocationpools_1.subnet_id AS ipallocationpools_1_subnet_id,
ipallocationpools_1.first_ip AS ipallocationpools_1_first_ip,
ipallocationpools_1.last_ip AS ipallocationpools_1_last_ip,
dnsnameservers_1.address AS dnsnameservers_1_address,
dnsnameservers_1.subnet_id AS dnsnameservers_1_subnet_id,
subnetroutes_1.destination AS subnetroutes_1_destination,
subnetroutes_1.nexthop AS subnetroutes_1_nexthop, subnetroutes_1.subnet_id
AS subnetroutes_1_subnet_id, subnets_1.tenant_id AS subnets_1_tenant_id,
subnets_1.id AS subnets_1_id, subnets_1.name AS subnets_1_name,
subnets_1.network_id AS subnets_1_network_id, subnets_1.subnetpool_id AS
subnets_1_subnetpool_id, subnets_1.ip_version AS subnets_1_ip_version,
subnets_1.cidr AS subnets_1_cidr, subnets_1.gateway_ip AS
subnets_1_gateway_ip, subnets_1.enable_dhcp AS subnets_1_enable_dhcp,
subnets_1.shared AS subnets_1_shared, subnets_1.ipv6_ra_mode AS
subnets_1_ipv6_ra_mode, subnets_1.ipv6_address_mode AS
subnets_1_ipv6_address_mode, externalnetworks_1.network_id AS
externalnetworks_1_network_id \nFROM networks LEFT OUTER JOIN
externalnetworks ON networks.id = externalnetworks.network_id LEFT OUTER
JOIN subnets AS subnets_1 ON networks.id = subnets_1.network_id LEFT OUTER
JOIN ipallocationpools AS ipallocationpools_1 ON subnets_1.id =
ipallocationpools_1.subnet_id LEFT OUTER JOIN dnsnameservers AS
dnsnameservers_1 ON subnets_1.id = dnsnameservers_1.subnet_id LEFT OUTER
JOIN subnetroutes AS subnetroutes_1 ON subnets_1.id =
subnetroutes_1.subnet_id LEFT OUTER JOIN externalnetworks AS
externalnetworks_1 ON networks.id = externalnetworks_1.network_id \nWHERE
networks.tenant_id IN (%s) AND networks.shared IN (%s)'
('75ee0e2b66e04287920904eb40351f57', 0)
2015-10-06 02:29:53.894 8064 TRACE neutron.api.v2.resource

NOTE: I am using ml2 plugins to run  the neutron-server service.

Please help me solving this issue.

Thanks for the help.



Rahul Arora
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