[Openstack] [KILO] [CEPH] Live Migration failure

Mike Smith mismith at overstock.com
Thu Aug 13 14:12:35 UTC 2015

Mehdi -

The error you are seeing has to do with the libvirt “secret” for use with Ceph.  Assuming that you following something similar to http://docs.ceph.com/docs/master/rbd/rbd-openstack/ when setting up Ceph, that secret should be in place. Could it be that the secret was defined/installed on one compute host but not the other?

In our setup with Ceph we have the same libvirt secret uuid across all our hypervisor hosts for Ceph and live migration works great.

Mike Smith
Principal Engineer / Cloud Team Lead

On Aug 13, 2015, at 6:22 AM, Mehdi BADAOUI <mehdiuniv at gmail.com<mailto:mehdiuniv at gmail.com>> wrote:

Hi all,

I have this error in /var/log/nova-compute.log  when i run live-migration

2015-08-13 14:17:43.068 6079 ERROR nova.virt.libvirt.driver [-] [instance: d1941e4d-dd89-4def-9abd-4d0c269a8f8e] Live Migration failure: Secret not found: rbd no secret matches uuid '40e501a1-e802-4f60-bcca-5e1b83269f7c'
2015-08-13 14:17:43.494 6079 ERROR nova.virt.libvirt.driver [-] [instance: d1941e4d-dd89-4def-9abd-4d0c269a8f8e] Migration operation has aborted

Any help would be greatly appreciated,
Thank you,


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