[Openstack] Ceilometer Empty Meter-List

Geoffrey Tran gtran at isi.edu
Wed Aug 5 20:34:28 UTC 2015

Hello all,

I have deployed the master branch of devstack on Ubuntu 15.04 and am having 
problems with ceilometer.  The same symptoms showed up on Ubunutu 14.04 also.
I have tested with both Xen/Libvirt and the default hypervisor.

The problem is that ceilometer doesn't seem to get any meters. The output is
shown below:
HOST:~$ ceilometer --version
HOST:~/devstack$ ceilometer meter-list
| Name | Type | Unit | Resource ID | User ID | Project ID |
HOST:~/devstack$ ceilometer event-list
| Message ID | Event Type | Generated | Traits |

The ceilometer-acompute screen shows multiple "Skip polling pollster METER, 
no resources found."

Could I please get help with this? I'm not sure whether to start with 
the compute agent or with the collector and central agent.

Thanks so much!

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