[Openstack] Flavor at specific hypervisor

Robert van Leeuwen Robert.vanLeeuwen at spilgames.com
Tue Nov 25 10:07:59 UTC 2014

> Is it possible to configure OpenStack to boot a specific flavor only at
> a specific hypervisor and that hypervisor to accept only the specific
> flavor and nothing else? If so how can I do it?

Yes, this is possible with host aggregates and metadata.
We did this for our database grade hypervisors which have large local SSDs and have some other configuration settings:

First create an aggregate with the metadata with the hypervisor in it:
nova aggregate-create fastio
nova aggregate-set-metadata fastio ssdlarge=true
nova aggregate-add-host fastio hv1

Now create a flavor which uses this:
nova-manage instance_type set_key --name=m2.4xlarge --key=ssdlarge --value=true

Note that this just makes sure this flavor always ends up on this Hypervisor.
To make sure all other flavors do not end up there you will need to make a second aggregate with the other hypervisors with the same key set to false + modify other flavors with this key set to false.

Robert van Leeuwen

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