[Openstack] Need help! "Stderr: 'ovs-ofctl: -1: negative values not supported for in_port\n'"

Ageeleshwar Kandavelu Ageeleshwar.Kandavelu at csscorp.com
Thu May 15 09:17:56 UTC 2014

I have faced this issue before. The openvswitch-plugin tries to create gre interfaces and add them to your br-tun but fails in the process. As a result of this failure the in_port value is sent as -1 and not the actual port number as port creation failed.

The error that you are seeing is only the consequence of failure to create port. You should be finding why port creation failed in first place. Normally gre interfaces will be named gre-1,2 etc. See if such ports are present in `ovs-vsctl show` output.

From: Martinx - ジェームズ [thiagocmartinsc at gmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, May 15, 2014 12:13 PM
To: openstack at lists.openstack.org
Subject: [Openstack] Need help! "Stderr: 'ovs-ofctl: -1: negative values not supported for in_port\n'"


I need a bit help here...

I updated the Linux Kernel of my Ubuntu / Havana environment, to the "linux-generic-lts-trusty" but, I forgot that `openvsiwtch-dkms` doesn't work with it so, I restarted the cloud with the previous kernel (3.11.0-20-generic) but now, I'm seeing the following error at my Network Node:

2014-05-15 03:37:59.509 4889 ERROR neutron.agent.linux.ovs_lib [-] Unable to execute ['ovs-ofctl', 'add-flow', 'br-tun', 'hard_timeout=0,idle_timeout=0,priority=1,in_port=-1,actions=resubmit(,3)']. Exception:
Command: ['sudo', '/usr/bin/neutron-rootwrap', '/etc/neutron/rootwrap.conf', 'ovs-ofctl', 'add-flow', 'br-tun', 'hard_timeout=0,idle_timeout=0,priority=1,in_port=-1,actions=resubmit(,3)']
Exit code: 1
Stdout: ''
Stderr: 'ovs-ofctl: -1: negative values not supported for in_port\n'

All Instances are completely offline!!

What can I do to fix it?

I appreciate any help!

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