[Openstack] nova metadata api w/Neutron

Aaron Knister aaron.knister at gmail.com
Mon Apr 21 20:57:48 UTC 2014

I just spent a couple hours trying to figure this out so I thought I'd

I'm using the stackforge puppet modules and writing my own integration
module to pull the individual modules together. That allows me to integrate
better with our current puppet methodology and with local security policy.

One of the things we disallow, by accident actually, is packages dropping
their own sudo rules in /etc/sudoers.d. All sudo rules must be explicitly
specified and managed via puppet resources. As a side effect of this when I
went to start the nova metadata api on the controller node my logs blew up
(as did the inboxes of my coworkers) with security violations from the nova
metadata api attempting to use the nova root wrapper via sudo.

I thought it a little odd that the nova metadata api would need to do
anything as root since I'm running the neutron metadata agents which
already run actions as root. I figured out that this was coming from the
nova.api.manager.MetadataManager class which I'm pretty sure isn't needed
for neutron. I changed the value of metadata_manager in nova.conf to
nova.manager.Manager and now the api service no-longer needs the rootwrap
sudo setup.

I couldn't find this documented anywhere, so hopefully this helps someone
in the future.

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