[Openstack] Horizon and open connections

Rick Jones rick.jones2 at hp.com
Thu Jan 31 21:01:39 UTC 2013

On 01/31/2013 11:59 AM, Gabriel Hurley wrote:
> Even though I don't experience this problem (and prefer nginx to
> apache), I can help diagnose:
> Connections ending up in CLOSE_WAIT means that the socket isn't being
> fully closed, which is controlled by the client lib (in this case
> python-keystoneclient) which uses httplib2 under the hood.

Expanding on that a bit. CLOSE_WAIT is the state a TCP endpoint will 
enter upon receiving a FINished segment from the remote TCP.  When the 
FIN arrives, the local application will receive notification of this via 
the classic "read return of zero" on a receive/read call against the 
socket.  The FIN segment "means" "I will be sending you no more data."

Meanwhile, the local TCP will have ACKed the FIN segment, and the remote 
TCP will transition to FIN_WAIT_2 upon receipt of that ACK (until then 
it will be in FIN_WAIT_1).

Depending on how the remote application triggered the sending of the 
FIN, the TCP connection is now in a perfectly valid simplex state 
wherein the side in CLOSE_WAIT can continue sending data to the side 
which will now be in FIN_WAIT_2.  It is exceedingly rare for 
applications to want a simplex TCP connection

If such a unidirectional TCP connection is not of any use to an 
application, (the common case)then that application should/must also 
close the connection upon the read return of zero.

Thus, seeing lots of connections "stuck" in CLOSE_WAIT is an indication 
of an application-level (relative to TCP) bug wherein the application on 
the "CLOSE_WAIT side" is ignoring the read return of zero.

Such bugs in applications may be "masked" by a few things:

1) If the remote side called close() rather than shutdown(SHUT_WR) then 
an attempt on the CLOSE_WAIT side to send data to the remote will cause 
the remote TCP to return a RST segment (reset) because there is no 
longer anything above TCP to receive the data.  This will then cause the 
local TCP to terminate the connection.  This may also happen if the 
local application set SO_KEEPALIVE to enable TCP keepalives.

*) If the local side doesn't send anything, and doesn't have TCP 
keepalives set, if the remote TCP has a FIN_WAIT_2 timer of some sort 
going (long story involving a hole in the TCP specification and 
implementation workarounds, email if you want to hear it) then when that 
FIN_WAIT_2 timer expires the remote TCP may sent a RST segment.

RST segments are "best effort" in sending - they don't get retransmitted 
explicitly.  In case 1 if the RST segment doesn't make it back, the 
local TCP will retransmit the data it was sending (because it will not 
have received an ACKnowledgement either).  It will then either receive 
the RST triggered by that retransmission, or if no RSTs ever make it 
back, the local TCP will at some point reach its retransmission limit 
and terminate the connection.  In case 2, if that one RST is lost, 
that's it, and the CLOSE_WAIT may remain forever.

Again though, given the rarity of actual application use of a simplex 
TCP connection, 99 times out of 10, seeing lots of CLOSE_WAIT 
connections building-up implies a buggy application or the libraries 
doing work on its behalf.

rick jones

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