[Openstack] Error: quantum-l3-agent dead but pid file exists

Rimma I. riontel at gmail.com
Mon Aug 5 02:15:04 UTC 2013


On Grizzly OS deployment running on CentOS 6.4 quantum-l3-agent fails
to start with service status: quantum-l3-agent dead but pid file

It was running fine originally but then I noticed that some namespaces
failed to get deleted when associated routers/subnets were removed and
tried deleting them manually using ip netns delete.  That action
failed and since then, the agent has also been down.  I don't see any
errors at all in the logs, except one line in l3-agent.log:

2013-08-04 19:11:38     INFO [quantum.openstack.common.service] Caught
SIGTERM, exiting

I've tried manually deleting associated .pid file and restarting the
service.  I also rebooted the server with no luck.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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