[Openstack] [keystone] mysql question related to OpenStack

Ahmed Al-Mehdi ahmed at coraid.com
Mon Nov 26 17:15:25 UTC 2012


I have a mysql specific question related to my OpenStack installation.  I apologize in advance if this is not the right forum for such a question.

As user root, I created the keystone db as follows:

root at novato:~/ahmed# mysql -u root -pmysqlpass
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
mysql> CREATE DATABASE keystone;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> GRANT ALL ON keystone.* TO 'keystoneUser'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'keystonePass';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> quit;
root at novato:~# keystone service-list
|                id                |   name   |   type   |         description          |
| 1d97a1ca72f84489911b0e1f7665038b |  glance  |  image   |   OpenStack Image Service    |
| 3a52155dab1048ce942476bfb1b2be20 |  cinder  |  volume  |   OpenStack Volume Service   |
| 4980e68e98174e6aae7149b98c7ae3f0 |   ec2    |   ec2    |    OpenStack EC2 service     |
| 5aff04cebb1d4ba9a92bdf651b2123ef | quantum  | network  | OpenStack Networking service |
| a1cfb6677b0a4188bf054663f89bfe70 | keystone | identity |      OpenStack Identity      |
| f5919383a5da4d6a9513e1318eccbf0a |   nova   | compute  |  OpenStack Compute Service   |
root at novato:~#

However, when I access the keystone db  as "keystoneUser/keystonePass",  I get an "Error: Access denied", however, however when I use "root/mysqlpass", the command succeeds.

root at novato:~# mysql -h "localhost" -u "keystoneUser" -p"keystonePass" "keystone" -ss -e "SELECT id FROM service WHERE type='"compute"';"
ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'keystoneUser'@'localhost' (using password: YES)
root at novato:~# mysql -h "localhost" -u "root" -p"mysqlpass"  "keystone" -ss -e "SELECT id FROM service WHERE type='"compute"';"

Why I cannot access keystone db as  "keystoneUser/keystonePass", even though I gave that user access to the keystone db.

Thank you,

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