[Openstack] [nova-api] "nova image-list" giving authentication error

Ahmed Al-Mehdi ahmed at coraid.com
Tue Nov 13 22:30:07 UTC 2012


I am trying to test out "nova" installation per the instruction in "OpenStack Deploy and Install Manual".  ( http://docs.openstack.org/trunk/openstack-compute/install/apt/content/configure-creds.html ).  However, when I issue "nova image-list", I get the prompt -  "password for your new keyring".   Can someone please help me understand what this keyring password is all about?  Did I make a mistake somewhere along the way in my setup?

root at bodega:/etc/nova# env | grep OS_
root at bodega:/etc/nova#
root at bodega:/etc/nova# glance index
ID                                   Name                           Disk Format          Container Format     Size
------------------------------------ ------------------------------ -------------------- -------------------- --------------
48cc3352-dff3-4625-87b1-143ba1953c57 tty-linux                      ami                  ami                        25165824
c0f6a4df-5051-49d3-855e-8627c6c15ba6 tty-linux-ramdisk              ari                  ari                           96629
14652b05-0c27-45d1-b614-a059c9f4f7dc tty-linux-kernel               aki                  aki                         4404752
root at bodega:/etc/nova#
root at bodega:/etc/nova# nova image-list
Please set a password for your new keyring
Password (again):
Error: blank passwords aren't allowed.
Please set a password for your new keyringTraceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/nova", line 9, in <module>

I googled the web, it seems setting environment "OS_NO_CACHE=1" should avoid this issue.  However, now I am getting an authentication error, even though the username/password = admin/admin is correct.

root at bodega:/etc/nova# export OS_NO_CACHE=1
root at bodega:/etc/nova# nova image-list
ERROR: n/a (HTTP 401)


2012-11-13 12:36:54 WARNING keystone.middleware.auth_token [-] Unexpected response from keystone service: {u'error': {u'message': u'The request you have made requires authentication.', u'code': 401, u'title': u'Not Authorized'}}
2012-11-13 12:36:54 WARNING keystone.middleware.auth_token [-] Authorization failed for token 94a69471564f492bb590b549a63870c9
2012-11-13 12:36:54 INFO keystone.middleware.auth_token [-] Invalid user token - rejecting request
2012-11-13 12:36:54 INFO nova.osapi_compute.wsgi.server [-] - - [13/Nov/2012 12:36:54] "GET /v2/ce1e819636744dc680fa5515f6475e87/images/detail HTTP/1.1" 401 461 0.011898

2012-11-13 12:36:54 WARNING keystone.middleware.auth_token [-] Unexpected response from keystone service: {u'error': {u'message': u'The request you have made requires authentication.', u'code': 401, u'title': u'Not Authorized'}}
2012-11-13 12:36:54 WARNING keystone.middleware.auth_token [-] Authorization failed for token 8afc24d31b454a6a8a2a0e2331231071
2012-11-13 12:36:54 INFO keystone.middleware.auth_token [-] Invalid user token - rejecting request
2012-11-13 12:36:54 INFO nova.osapi_compute.wsgi.server [-] - - [13/Nov/2012 12:36:54] "GET /v2/ce1e819636744dc680fa5515f6475e87/images/detail HTTP/1.1" 401 461 0.012803

I ran "nova —debug image-list"" and pasted the output on paste bin - http://pastebin.com/JyCvBVmY.   I am going through the logs but not able to understand the cause of the authentication failure.  Any help would be highly appreciated.

Thank you,

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