[Openstack] Fwd: [Infra] administration of new mailinglists

Thierry Carrez thierry at openstack.org
Tue May 29 20:01:51 UTC 2012

James E. Blair wrote:
> I believe we should at least have the common set of three mailing lists
> (announce, user/operator, dev) and have a web page that lists them.


We need an official channel for reference information about, at the very
least, milestones/releases and security updates. We also need it for
major community events (think announce the next design summit or
upcoming elections). So far we (ab)used the general mailing-list for
that, and I think the amount of traffic now makes it an inappropriate
channel for reference information. We never used the existing -announce
list because it was never exposed as the medium for reference information.

An -announce list still sounds like the best way to achieve that. You
can have direct posters like security or release team. You can have a
moderation team so that anyone can potentially post reference
information. That doesn't mean we can't use other channels like Twitter,
blogs, G+, newsletter or whatever is cool these days, but none of those
are actually a reference channel, so they are complementary rather than
a replacement.

If we go for -announce and -dev, I think we should use the "classic"
names and move the openstack at lists.launchpad.net to
openstack-users at lists.openstack.org. Then it would make sense to merge
openstack-operators into it.


Thierry Carrez (ttx)
Release Manager, OpenStack

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