[Openstack] [client] creating blueprints for the unified CLI project

Dean Troyer dtroyer at gmail.com
Wed May 2 19:18:29 UTC 2012

On Wed, May 2, 2012 at 1:51 PM, Matt Joyce <matt at nycresistor.com> wrote:
> I skipped out on blue printing and just submitted a gerrit review for
> adding argparse flags for specifying URL for specific APIs.

Why is this needed?  These URLs come from the service catalog.  Cases
where you do need to override that use --os-url as part of token flow
auth, skipping the service catalog.

> Is that cool or do we want blue prints at that level of low complexity?

There should be some sort of discussion for design changes/additions.
Blueprints are a way to do that and record the discussion and
target/track the work.  These discussions do happen in the Gerrit
review comments too, but those are more reactive than proactive.

BTW, rather than abandon your initial change, you could have made the
update, commited with 'git commit -a --amend' and push a new patchset
with 'git review'.  As long as the change id in the log message
doesn't change Gerrit does the Right Thing.  See the bottom of
http://wiki.openstack.org/GerritWorkflow for details.



Dean Troyer
dtroyer at gmail.com

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