[Openstack] Mixing Swift authentication (tempauth) with Keystone = Dashboard flakiness

Lillie Ross-CDSR11 Ross.Lillie at motorolasolutions.com
Fri Mar 30 18:45:59 UTC 2012

Also... unable to start a new instance from dashboard.


Ross Lillie
ross.lillie at motorolasolutions.com<mailto:ross.lillie at motorolasolutions.com>

On Mar 30, 2012, at 1:33 PM, Lillie Ross-CDSR11 wrote:

As a followup.  In Dashboard, the overview panel correctly displays the list of running instance.  Only when selecting the 'instances' panel do I see problems.

Ross Lillie
ross.lillie at motorolasolutions.com<mailto:ross.lillie at motorolasolutions.com>

On Mar 30, 2012, at 1:18 PM, Lillie Ross-CDSR11 wrote:

I'm not sure if you can do what I'm trying.

I've deployed Openstack Diable (ManagedIT) with Keystone for all service authentication.  However to restore S3 API compatibility with Swift, I've modified my proxy server config to use 'tempauth' instead of Keystone.  Within the proxy-server.conf, I've replicated the user/tenant/passwords for all accounts that I have in Keystone.  This allows a user's .openrc file to work with only one change: the authentication URL for Swift now has to point at the tempauth service versus Keystone.  I've verified that S3 is now working (using a small python/boto script).

Via the command line, glance is able to load images into the image store.  Using the Swift command, I can verify that the image is being loaded into the correct bucket.

So far so good, however I'm noticing slight flakiness now with Dashboard.  In particular, Dashboard is no longer able to display a list of running instances (it hangs). Also, the 'storage' service appears as though it's not running.  Using the 'euca-describe-instances' command works fine.

Any thoughts or suggestions would be helpful.  Regards,

Ross Lillie
ross.lillie at motorolasolutions.com<mailto:ross.lillie at motorolasolutions.com>

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