[Openstack] Performance diagnosis of metadata query

Sean Dague sdague at linux.vnet.ibm.com
Thu Mar 29 15:05:09 UTC 2012

On 03/25/2012 01:03 PM, Justin Santa Barbara wrote:
> The performance of the metadata query with cloud-init has been causing
> some people problems (it's so slow cloud-init times out!), and has led
> to the suggestion that we need lots of caching.  (My hypothesis is that
> we don't...)
> By turning on SQL debugging in SQL Alchemy (for which I've proposed a
> patch for Essex: https://review.openstack.org/#change,5783), I was able
> to capture the SQL statements.
> I'm focusing on the SQL statements for the metadata call.

Is there a good way to map back where in the code these calls are coming 

> My install in nowhere near big enough for any of these to actually cause
> a real problem, so I'd love to get timings / a log from someone that is
> having a problem.  Even the table scan of fixed_ips should be OK if you
> have enough RAM.

It's not just enough RAM, but that mysql was specifically tuned to have 
big table caches. Regardless, large table scans should be eliminated, 
especially if the table is mostly read, as the hit on an extra index on 
insert will be completely offset by the speedups on select.


Sean Dague
IBM Linux Technology Center
email: sldague at us.ibm.com
alt-email: sdague at linux.vnet.ibm.com

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