[Openstack] openstack-common

Mark McLoughlin markmc at redhat.com
Tue Jan 3 21:38:39 UTC 2012

On Tue, 2012-01-03 at 13:04 -0800, Monty Taylor wrote:
> Operationally they'll need to be able to make the change in a way that
> it can be sequenced. We don't have a concept of simultaneous tied
> changes. So a the change you describe would need to look like:
> Land change to openstack-common to add something new
> Land changes to dependent projects to use that new thing
> Land change to openstack-common to remove now deprecated thing.

Yes, but for packaging and release sanity, the removal must come much

> As a related note, I'm going to get the current repo moved in to gerrit
> today or tomorrow.

It's more Jason's call, but I think we're basically asking you to hold
off on that for a little while. We may decide to start a new repo.


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