[Openstack] [Docs] What's Up Doc August 29 2012

Anne Gentle anne at openstack.org
Wed Aug 29 16:24:06 UTC 2012

Hi all -
Here's a weekly report from docs land. Thanks for reading!

tl;dr - Summarizes the doc activities and related news of the past week.

1. In review and merged this past week:
Quantum API guide v2.0 now merged, build job created, still needs to
be linked from API landing page
CLI guide now builds, still needs to be linked in
Compute admin extensions additions
os-aggregates additions
os-hypervisors in review
separation of compute troubleshooting from object storage troubleshooting
live migration updates
multinic updates
PowerVM docs added
Features section added to Object Storage doc
Updates to nova.conf - but still more work to be done, now over 500
options (was 467)

2. High priority doc work:
We're now at 27 open High priority doc bugs targeted for Folsom
(https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-manuals/+milestone/folsom). We
can do it! Two are in review now.
A couple of big ones:
 - Quantum needs integration in the Compute Admin guide

3. Doc work going on that I know of:
Diane Fleming has completed a proof-of-concept for content sharing for
API guides so that OpenStack content can be repurposed for service
providers like Rackspace and HP.
Quantum has an outline for their Admin manual at
https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-manuals/+bug/1043177. Please join
in their efforts.

4. New incoming doc requests:
The mailing list thread about migration has been very useful. I had
originally asked Razique to document his experience going from Diablo
to Essex (tracked with
https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-manuals/+bug/967402), but as he
explained it wasn't a "typical" migration. I don't think there is a
typical migration, but I'd like a section in the docs discussing
migration. Ryan Lane's message to the list is a good starting point.
We also have a task for essex to folsom migrations:

5. Doc tools updates:
The doc tools team picked up three bugs related to doc builds:
- 1036237, API site only builds on clouddocs maven plugin version 1.2.0.
- 1008581, Output a useful message when the maven plugin tries to
build from docbook4 source
- 1008579, Output meaning phrase for cover page of PDF when using
conditional phrases in the title
The full tagged list is here if anyone has an interest:

6. Other doc news:
The Design Summit is just six weeks away! We have three 40-minute
slots in the Documentation Track and next week (around Sept. 7th) the
proposal site opens. I'd love to hear proposals for documentation
blueprints and discussions.

The newly formed OpenStack Foundation board had an agenda item to
discuss a new license for the documentation. I haven't heard the
outcome, but the proposal is to use a CC-By license for documentation
since it is easier to understand a Creative Commons license for docs
rather than try to apply Apache2 licensing to contributed content.

I got good feedback on Twitter from @matt2000 that I'm working on
incorporating for a clearer path to downloads, install instructions,
to configuration. It won't be a quick fix, but it's related to the
review I have as WIP here: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/11232/.
Reviews requested.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

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