[Openstack] Open Cloud Computing Interface Blueprint Implementation

Edmonds, AndrewX andrewx.edmonds at intel.com
Sun Apr 15 14:05:55 UTC 2012

Hi all,

Just a post to let you all know that the implementation for the Open Cloud Computing Interface (OCCI) [1] blueprint [2] has been placed up on Gerrit [3], with some great feedback there already. By having this API exposed out of OpenStack, large projects such as FutureGrid [4], EGI FedCloud [5], FIware [6] and CompatibleOne [7] (as well as others some listed here [8]) can leverage OpenStack as an infrastructure platform and in so growing the OpenStack community and adoption all the more! This also has the backing of recommendations from the UK [9] and German Governments [10]. Details of what it can do can be found in the OpenStack wiki [11]. This is work that has been carried out by Intel Labs Europe in the Cloud Service Lab and is partially funded by FIware [6] and echoes in spirit, as does the OCCI working group's principles, much of what Thierry Carrez wrote in his recent blog post [12].

Further, there are an unconference session facilities [13] will be held at next week's design summit where further discussion can happen. It would be super if those interested or sceptical could attend this, especially from the aspect of learning more.


[1]  http://www.occi-wg.org
[2]  https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/bexar-open-cloud-compute-interface
[3]  https://review.openstack.org/6410
[4]  http://www.future-grid.org
[5]  https://wiki.egi.eu/wiki/Fedcloud-tf:FederatedCloudsTaskForce
[6]  http://www.fi-ware.eu
[7]  http://www.compatibleone.org
[8]  http://occi-wg.org/community/implementations/
[9]  http://occi-wg.org/2011/02/21/occi-and-the-uk-government-cloud/
[10]  http://occi-wg.org/2012/03/18/german-government-recognises-occi-as-leading-the-cloud-standards-arena/
[11] http://wiki.openstack.org/occi
[12] http://fnords.wordpress.com/2012/04/04/ask-not-what-openstack-can-do-for-you/
[13] http://occi-wg.org/2012/04/14/occi-at-the-openstack-design-summit/

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