[Openstack] Multi-nic support question

Joseph Heck heckj at mac.com
Wed Jul 6 19:06:34 UTC 2011


I ran into an issue with the multi-nic addition that just hit trunk - wanted to see how best to resolve or if this is a bug.

The signature for the create() method in NetworkCommands (in nova/bin/nova-manage) changed - which means that the existing docs to create a network:

	nova-manage network create 1 32

Fails with an index out of range error. The reason is that the arguments ['', '1', '32'] no longer match up as expected with the arguments in create().

"Label=None" was added at the front of that method signature. So with multi-nic added in, does the command need to be updated, or should that Label component be pushed back in the positional list of arguments?


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