[Openstack] [Nova] Priority branch review targets

Thierry Carrez thierry at openstack.org
Fri Dec 17 10:21:45 UTC 2010

Hello everyone (and in particular nova-core members),

Yesterday the team merged the eventlet branch which was blocking a few
other branch merge proposals. It would be great if before the end of the
week we could land these other prerequisite branches as well:

* raw-disk-images
This one blocks xenapi-raw-disk-images. It's probably good to go, just
requires a second review and an approve button push:

* i18n-strings
The second part of the i18n change. Affects almost everyone else :)
Should be good to go when the conflicts get solved:

* xenapi-unittests
This is blocking a lot of the xs-* specs, since it's better to land them
once this one is in, rather than before. This one hasn't been reviewed yet:

Having those merged quickly will allow everyone else to update their
branch merge proposals to match, and hopefully remove the catch-22
around which gets merged first...

Thanks !

Thierry Carrez (ttx)
Release Manager, OpenStack

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