[openstack-tw] 回覆: ACTION: OpenStack TW AppDev Hackathon Objective

atzeng at itri.org.tw atzeng at itri.org.tw
Wed Mar 16 05:18:49 UTC 2016

Dear  JingMing

   Sorry for the short notice.

   You may or may not aware of that

   We've  changed the location for the event​

    Here is the website


    Here is the location

   地址: 新北市板橋區遠東路3號5樓<https://www.google.com.tw/maps/place/No.+1,+Yuandong+Rd,+Banqiao+District,+New+Taipei+City,+220/@24.9981353,121.4535795,16.56z/data=!4m7!1m4!3m3!1s0x346802afc209731d:0xdca998525c7952a6!2sYuandong+Rd,+Banqiao+District,+New+Taipei+City,+220!3b1!3m1!1s0x346802a555e603eb:0x8c81795c781eafbc>

   When can you start installing the beacon on the location as we discussed before

    Can you please reply by 5pm today.  Event will start in 2 days



從: Michael Jenkins <md.jenkins at icloud.com>
寄件日期: 2016年03月07日 14:21
至: Rico Lin; Zonyin Shae Ph. D.; Jing Ming Chiu; YC Chung; Chi-Sheng Shih; Shih-Hao Hung Ph. D.; Vincent Tseng Ph. D.; Jerry Chou Ph. D.; Tom Fifield; David F. Flanders
副本: Grace Lin Ph. D.; 曾德倫; 郭淑儀; Han-Chao Lee; Li-Rong Chang; Michael Jenkins; openstack-tw at lists.openstack.org
主旨: ACTION: OpenStack TW AppDev Hackathon Objective

Dear Application Development Objective Team,

We are quickly approaching the OpenStack hackathon (18-20 March) and would like to ask that you complete the documentation of your development objective so we can clearly describe it to the participants.

Specifically I would like to have each of the teams listed below work together to prepare a brief PowerPoint presentation describing the development objective, technical skills required, supported languages and libraries, and any additional resources available (including coaches and mentors) to support the teams.

I would ask that we have a first draft of your presentations ready by the end of Wednesday, 9-March for review. Let me know if that will be an issue for you to achieve.

We have also referenced IoT and would appreciate an update on this third objective from the team too.

Best regards,
On 25 Feb 2016, at 09:30 , Michael Jenkins <md.jenkins at icloud.com<mailto:md.jenkins at icloud.com>> wrote:

Dear Team,

Firstly I’d like to thank III for their support in the creation of the application development objectives for the Taiwan OpenStack Hackathon next month (18-20 March). Also a special thank you to Anita and Allen for coordinating this weeks productive introduction meetings. I’d like to introduce the wider key stake holders in defining the application development objective. The team includes:

Rico Lin, inwinSTACK, prime application technical lead • rico.l at inwinstack.com<mailto:rico.l at inwinstack.com>)
Dr. Zonyi Shea, III — Smart Tourism • zonyinshae at iii.org.tw<mailto:zonyinshae at iii.org.tw>
Mr. Jing Ming Chiu, III — Smart Commerce (Ximending shopping mall) • jmchiu at iii.org.tw<mailto:jmchiu at iii.org.tw>
Allen Tzeng, ITRI • atzeng at itri.org.tw<mailto:atzeng at itri.org.tw>

YC Chung NTHU, prime contact for TW university professors • ychung at cs.nthu.edu.tw<mailto:ychung at cs.nthu.edu.tw>
Wei-Choung Hsu, NTU device technical lead • hsuwc at csie.ntu.edu.tw<mailto:hsuwc at csie.ntu.edu.tw>
Shih-Hao Hung, NTU IoT device technical lead • hungsh at csie.ntu.edu.tw<mailto:hungsh at csie.ntu.edu.tw>
Vincent Tseng, NCTU, software and datatabase technical lead • vtseng at cs.nctu.edu.tw<mailto:vtseng at cs.nctu.edu.tw>
Jerry Chou, NTHU, platform technical lead • jchou at cs.nthu.edu.tw<mailto:jchou at cs.nthu.edu.tw>

Tom Fifield, OpenStack Community Manger • tom at openstack.org<mailto:tom at openstack.org>
David Flanders, OpenStack Academic and App Dev Community • flanders at openstack.org<mailto:flanders at openstack.org>

I wold like to propose two meetings with each of the development objectives for either tomorrow, Fri, 26-Feb (14:00-15:00) or Mon, 29-Feb (9:00-10:00). Please let Rico and me know your date and time preference.

The participants should include:

Smart Tourism:
1. Rico Lin
2. Dr. Shea
3. Prof. YC Chung
4. Prof. Vincent Tseng
5. Prof. Jerry Chou
6. Tom Fifield
7. David Flanders (optional)
8. Allen Tzeng (optional)

Proposed Agenda:

  *   Define and document smart tourism scope and features
  *   Discuss technical requirements to support platform, installation time, and any other requirements
  *   Discuss orientation session (30-45 min)
  *   Nominate mentors and possibly a judge
  *   Any other issues

Smart Commerce:
1. Rico Lin
2. Jing Ming Chiu
3. Prof. YC Chung
4. Prof. Wei-Choung Hsu
5. Prof. Shih-Hao Hung
6. Prof. Vincent Tseng
7. Prof. Jerry Chou
8. Tom Fifield
9. David Flanders (optional)
10. Allen Tzeng (optional)

Proposed Agenda:

  *   Define and document smart tourism scope and features
  *   Discuss technical requirements to support platform, installation time, and any other requirements
  *   Discuss hardware installation requirements, time, and any other requirements
  *   Discuss orientation session (30-45 min)
  *   Identify 2-3 mentors and possibly a judge
  *   Any other issues

During the discussions, please keep in mind that both applications need to start installation on Thr, 17-March at 9AM and should be complete and ready for test/acceptance on Fri, 18-Mar, 9AM.

For your reference you can find the OpenStack Hackathon organizational spreadsheet at https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FrLb0tv5RRvJEIXCkVwwsyaecGy-zhTQbRdbbwIiN4U/edit?usp=sharing

Best regards,

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