[openstack-tw] OpenStack Taiwan Day Committee members 委員會委員

yoyochiang at geminiopencloud.com yoyochiang at geminiopencloud.com
Wed Mar 11 06:21:25 UTC 2015

委員會自提報名 :


Gemini Open Cloud Computing Inc.

行銷長 Chief Marketing Officer
姜昱有Yoyo Chiang
Tel : 03-6590698 #212
Mobile : 0988-580-206
Email : yoyochiang at geminiopencloud.com
地址 : 30070 新竹市東區公道五路二段158號11樓之3

官方網站 :www.GeminiOpenCloud.com
FB粉絲團 : https://www.facebook.com/Gemini.GOCloud

Gemini Open Cloud Computing Inc.

行銷長 Chief Marketing Officer
姜昱有Yoyo Chiang
Tel : 03-6590698 #212
Mobile : 0988-580-206
Email : yoyochiang at geminiopencloud.com
地址 : 30070 新竹市東區公道五路二段158號11樓之3

官方網站 :www.GeminiOpenCloud.com
FB粉絲團 : https://www.facebook.com/Gemini.GOCloud

寄件者: mac Jack
寄件日期: ‎2015‎年‎3月‎11‎日‎星期三 ‎下午‎ ‎12‎:‎41
收件者: openstack-tw at lists.openstack.org

Hello OpenStacker in Taiwan 大家好

【OpenStack Taiwan Day 委員會委員】

各位社群朋友大家好,為了讓 OpenStack Day Taiwan 2015 的活動能如期舉行,我們將舉行 2015 年度的 OpenStack Day Taiwan 委員會委員招募及遴選,並一起致力協助 OpenStack Day Taiwan 的順利進行。目前 OpenStack Taiwan User Group 志工團隊提出了初步的辦法,以下的委員會委員招募辦法目前並非最終辦法,所以我們廣求大家寶貴的建議,共同討論使之更加盡善盡美,並感謝各位社群朋友的熱心協助。

    - 每一位在 OpenStack Taiwan User Group 的成員都可以自願或被提名為本屆台灣 OpenStack Taiwan Day 委員會委員
    - 為了委員會組成的多樣性因素,暫定每一間公司或是組織單位最多可以有兩個委員參加本屆委員會

    - 委員會委員有義務參加定期與不定期為了籌辦 OpenStack Taiwan Day 而舉辦的工作會議,以確保活動的籌備進展。
    - 每位志工委員可視其分派工作內容而邀請其同仁參加社群會議以協助任務進行。
    - 協調溝通並監控分配任務的進度,以幫助 OpenStack Day Taiwan 活動順利進行。
    - 負責與 OpenStack 基金會建立溝通,並確保在台灣任一社群活動符合且遵守基金會的指導方針。
    - 為了確保 OpenStack Day Taiwan 活動的成功與委員會的中立性,委員會的所有工作內容與流程都應該公開而且接受社群檢視。

    - 委員招募,預計招募八人,目前我們不確定會有多少人自願成為委員會委員,暫定為8人,大家有什麼想法也很歡迎提出來討論
    - 投票選舉方式,如果我們有太多人願意加入委員會當委員(例如50人,太棒了!!),那我們可能需要利用投票選舉的方式來決定委員名單
    - 自願或提名辦法?發表在facebook或openstack-tw at lists.openstack.org上
    - 自願或提名所需要提供的資料,範例:
        代表公司及職稱:小明科技股份有限公司,首席 OpenStack 工程師
        為什麼想要加入志工委員會:熱愛 OpenStack
        專長項目:溝通協調,OpenStack 程式開發,主持會議

    - 3/9 ~ 3/20 (2週): 開放討論委員會成立辦法,並提名或自願成為委員會委員
    - 3/23 ~ 4/3 (2週): 委員會委員投票選舉
OpenStack Taiwan User Group 志工團隊 敬上

English version

[OpenStack Taiwan Day Committee]

As suggested in the kick-off meeting for OpenStack Taiwan Day which will be held on August 11th 2015, it's demanded to form a volunteer committee to drive tangible progress of all OpenStack-related activities in our community. It's now open to discussion about how we are going to form this committee for our user group in Taiwan.

Committee member eligibility:
    - every OpenStack Taiwan User Group member can volunteer to become a committee member.
    - we aim for diversity in the committee, so each company can have at most two representative as committee member.

Committee member responsibilities: 
    - Attending committee meetings. 
    - Each committee member can invite her/his staff members to attend the committee meetings when necessary for the sake of assisting specific community tasks. 
    - Communication at all levels.
    - Contributing to the objectives and progress of the duties of the committee/task.
    - Coordinating and monitoring assigned committee tasks. 
    - Ensuring any user group activities in Taiwan don't breach any OpenStack foundation policy. 
    - The committee's work progress should be open to public and reviewed by community in order to evaluate the success of community activities. 

Committee member application:
    - Volunteer approach (if we have less than 8 people who volunteer?)
    - Nomination and vote approach (applicable if we have more volunteers than committee members?)
    - How to apply? nominate or volunteer on facebook user group page or openstack-tw at lists.openstack.org mailling list.
    - Required details for application, example:
        Name: John Smith
        Email address: john.smith at example.com
        Company and title: John Smith Pty Ltd - Priciple OpenStack Engineer
        The main reason to apply for: Enthusiastic about OpenStack
        Specialities: communication, OpenStack DevOps engineering

Important timelines for those approaches:
    - 3/9 ~ 3/20 (2 weeks): collecting suggestions, nominations
    - 3/23 ~ 4/3 (2 weeks): select members or vote for committee members as necessary 

Taiwan User Group Community Volunteer Team
openstack-tw at lists.openstack.org

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openstack-tw at lists.openstack.org
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