[Summit-Programming-Committee] Virtual Summit Session Selection

Alexander Dibbo - UKRI STFC alexander.dibbo at stfc.ac.uk
Wed Aug 26 16:12:50 UTC 2020

Hi all,

I can be free between 10am and 2pm British standard time



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From: Foundjem Armstrong <foundjem at ieee.org>
Sent: Wednesday, August 26, 2020 5:07:15 PM
To: Nick Chase <nchase at mirantis.com>
Cc: Armstrong Foundjem <foundjem at ieee.org>; Hector Baleon <hbaleon at mirantis.com>; Ashlee Ferguson <ashlee at openstack.org>; Openstack-track-chairs <Openstack-track-chairs at lists.openstack.org>; Jimmy McArthur <jimmy at openstack.org>; alexander.dibbo at stfc.ac.uk <alexander.dibbo at stfc.ac.uk>
Subject: Re: [Summit-Programming-Committee] Virtual Summit Session Selection

Having a fixed time that favors everyone might seem challenging, due to differences in time zones, we can just use the default tool’s capabilities to collaborate as a team.
Nevertheless, I am open for a one hour on zoom if that works best for you, however, everyone in this track should be comfortable with that idea.
Suggest your time and mention time zones, please.

#me> Preferred time: between 10:00 am—12:00 pm EST (Eastern Time).

Best regards,

On Aug 26, 2020, at 02:16, Nick Chase <nchase at mirantis.com<mailto:nchase at mirantis.com>> wrote:

Right, that's what I was expecting. (I've done this several times before for other tracks :))  What time Thursday is good for you?

----  Nick

On Wed, Aug 26, 2020 at 1:51 AM Armstrong <foundjem at ieee.org<mailto:foundjem at ieee.org>> wrote:
Hello Nick,
you have to follow the instructions of the videos. Start by making your selections then the Track will jointly decide on the allocated slots we have.  From our independent selection we will move things to the track selections to the right (blue).


On Aug 26, 2020, at 00:09, Hector Baleon <hbaleon at mirantis.com<mailto:hbaleon at mirantis.com>> wrote:

I just finished my selection

Feel free to schedule a call on Thu so we can make the team selections



On Tue, Aug 25, 2020 at 10:01 PM Nick Chase <nchase at mirantis.com<mailto:nchase at mirantis.com>> wrote:
OK, so I think we may have had a little operational SNAFU somewhere on the AI/ML/HPC track.  Hector and I haven't yet made our selections, but the "team" selection board is full.  Is this something that the system did on its own based on Armstrong and Alexander's choices, or did somebody get a little over-eager? :)

I think we need to set up a time for us to get together on Thursday to finish off selections for real.  At least at this moment, I'm available literally all day; please let me know what works for you.


----  Nick

On Tue, Aug 25, 2020 at 5:11 AM Foundjem Armstrong <foundjem at ieee.org<mailto:foundjem at ieee.org>> wrote:
Hello AI/ML/HPC Track Chairs,
Hope we are all doing great! It seems time is running out fast and we need to speed up our individual tasks.
Thus far, Alexander and I have completed our tasks, waiting for you.

Best regards,

On Aug 18, 2020, at 15:41, Ashlee Ferguson <ashlee at openstack.org<mailto:ashlee at openstack.org>> wrote:

Hi everyone,

Thank you for all of your time and hard work the past couple of weeks! It’s time for you to select the talks that will be included on the final Summit schedule. You have between now and Friday, August 28 at 11:59pm PT (August 29 at 6:59 UTC) to make your Team Selections.

Before you do anything else, watch the Part Two tutorial video<https://www.screencast.com/t/xjzPDsEIi>.

The video explains how to review and add talks to your personal list and team list. Under the Team Selections tab, you can drag and drop the presentations into your order of preference. We'll consider the presentations at the top of the list to be the most important to include in the final Summit agenda.

Each Track has a predetermined amount of sessions and once this quantity has been fulfilled, these sessions will be included in the final agenda. Each Track will also have a set number of alternates. If a presentation is selected as an alternate, they will have the opportunity to present their session, but we want to consider quality over having an alternate for the sake of filling time. So, we’ll offer them the opportunity to record their talk later and we’ll post it on our YouTube channel. However, if a full breakout session speaker cannot present, alternates will be selected based on the order in the Team List within the Track Chair tool. This is in an effort to ensure that alternate presentations are recorded and speakers are available in the event they are needed.

Please note that everyone on your team shares the Team Selections column. Any changes that you make will override the selections/order choices that your colleagues may have made in this column. Therefore, before making your final session selections inside the Team Selections tab––we recommend that you and your fellow Programming Committee members schedule time together via Zoom, Google Hangout, IRC, or your platform of choice to discuss the final team selections. Once you have finalized your selections as a team, add them into the Team Selections tab. The Team Selections tab must be completed no later than Friday, August 28 at 11:59pm PT (August 29 at 6:59 UTC).

As you make your Team Selections, please work to include a diverse set of sessions, companies and speakers. Please do NOT set expectations with any speakers ranked in your category. The Foundation staff will send the speaker notifications the week of September 7.

You may want to combine sessions into panels or other formats, especially if there are multiple submissions about the same topic. However we request that you try to limit the number of new panels to no more than 40% of the selected sessions in your Track. If you are creating a new panel, please try to include a diverse set of speakers for the presentation. In order to combine talks or create new panels please follow these instructions<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PPQKu9AXwOU> and email the requested information to speakersupport at openstack.org<mailto:speakersupport at openstack.org>.

You have the ability to contact your fellow Programming Committee members directly via their contact information within the tool<https://www.openstack.org/track-chairs/directory> (by clicking on their name to send an email), but we also encourage you to make use of this mailing list to initiate or continue the discussion with all programming committees.

Reminder––please make all final selections in the tool no later than Friday, August 28 at 11:59pm PT (August 29 at 6:59 UTC).  Should you have any queries or issues along the way, please notify us at speakersupport at openstack.org<mailto:speakersupport at openstack.org>.

New for virtual Summit:

Please note the number below is the maximum number of presentations you can select for your Track. We want to prioritize quality over quantity, so you are not required to fill all of those slots. On the other hand, if your Track has more qualified talks than the maximum amount allowed, you can designate some sessions as alternates and they will still have the opportunity to record a session.
To fit the new virtual format, sessions will be pre-recorded, and speakers should be prepared to be present on the event platform during their presentation for potential live chat Q&A.

Also, if you’re working outside the tool, the counts per track are the following. These counts are flexible, so if there are too many amazing presentations, please let us know and we will do our best to accommodate:

        Max Slots       Alternates
5G, NFV & Edge  15      3
AI, Machine Learning, HPC       8       2
CI/CD   6       2
Container Infrastructure        15      3
Getting Started 8       2
Hands-on Workshops      5       2
Open Development        6       2
Private & Hybrid Cloud  22      4
Public Cloud    6       2
Security        6       2

Ashlee & Jimmy

Ashlee Ferguson
Community & Events Coordinator
OpenStack Foundation

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