[Summit-Programming-Committee] Track Chair Deadline Extension

Jimmy McArthur jimmy at openstack.org
Thu Jul 25 19:24:20 UTC 2019

Hello everyone,

First, let me say how appreciative we are of our track chairs and all of 
the work they put into this process.  I know it's a lot to do on top of 
your day-to-day work, so thank you from all of us at the OpenStack 
Foundation.  Second, I want to apologize again for the trouble.  This is 
typically a very smooth process and it's not something we take lightly.  
Again, your time is valuable and we certainly do not relish wasting it.

Given all of that, we're going to extend the deadline to Friday, August 
2nd 11:59pm Pacific (Saturday, August 3rd 2:59pm Shanghai).  From there, 
we'll plan to publish the schedule the following Tuesday.  We hope this 
will give you a bit of breathing room.

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to myself 
(jimmy at openstack.org) or Ashlee (ashlee at openstack.org) or directly on 
this mailing list.

Thank you again,

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