[Summit-Programming-Committee] Container Infrastructure track selections complete

Ricardo Aravena raravena80 at gmail.com
Fri Aug 2 20:36:06 UTC 2019

Hi All,

We have decided on a final list for the Container Infrastructure track.
Here's the list:

Final selection:

   1. OpenStack Provider for Virtual Kubelet: A Nodeless Approach for
   2. Kata Containers: a Cornerstone for Financial Grade Cloud Native
   3. OpenStack Makes Immutable K8S Cluster happen faster for Enterprise
   4. Manage Kubernetes Cluster inside Kubernetes Cluster Using OpenStack
   5. Migrating OpenStack control plane from virtual machine to Kubernetes:
   Pains and Gains
   6. Unified monitoring and second-level alarm scheme for OpenStack and
   7. Run Kubernetes on OpenStack and Bare Metal fast
   8. Airship - The road to Airship 2.0
   9. Kube-OVN:Bring OpenStack Network Infra into Kubernetes


   1. kata at Arm深度技术剖析
   2. Performance Lessons Learned while operating container-based
   Serverless platform.
   3. Kubinception: using Kubernetes to run Kubernetes at scale
   4. Automating with Kubernetes: Deep dive using Percona Kubernetes
   5. How Airship is helping transform customer Clouds

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