[Openstack-track-chairs] Vancouver Summit Schedule now live!

Kendall Waters kendall at openstack.org
Thu Mar 15 16:24:15 UTC 2018

Thank you for all your hard work! The schedule is now live for the Vancouver Summit! Check out the 100+ sessions, demos, workshops and tutorials that will be featured at the Vancouver Summit, May 21-24. 

What’s New?
As infrastructure has evolved, so has the Summit. In addition to OpenStack features and operations, you'll find a strong focus on cross-project integration and addressing new use cases like edge computing and machine learning. Sessions will feature user stories from the likes of JPMorgan Chase, Progressive Insurance, Target, Wells Fargo, and more, as well as the integration and use of projects like Kata Containers, Kubernetes, Istio, Ceph, ONAP, Ansible, and many others. 

The schedule is organized by new tracks according to use cases: private & hybrid cloud, public cloud, container infrastructure, CI / CD, edge computing, HPC / GPUs / AI, and telecom / NFV. You can sort within the schedule to find sessions and speakers around each topic or open source project (with new tags!). 

Please check out this Superuser article and help us promote it via social media: http://superuser.openstack.org/articles/whats-new-vancouver-summit/ <http://superuser.openstack.org/articles/whats-new-vancouver-summit/>

Submit Sessions to the Forum
The Technical Committee and User Committee are now collecting sessions for the Forum at the Vancouver Summit. If you have a project-specific session, strategic community-wide discussion or cross-project that you would like to propose, add links to the etherpads found at the Vancouver Forum Wiki (https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Forum/Vancouver2018) <https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Forum/Vancouver2018)>. 

Time to Register
As Programming Committee members, you all receive free Full Access passes to attend the Summit! I have pasted your codes below. If you do not see your name on the list, that means you have already received a free code from attending the PTG. Please register https://www.openstack.org/summit/vancouver-2018/ <https://www.openstack.org/summit/vancouver-2018/> before May 11, 2018.
For speakers whose sessions were accepted, look for an email from speakersupport at openstack.org for next steps on registration. ATCs and AUCs should also check their inbox for discount codes.

Questions? Email summit at openstack.org


OS_VAN_0LMTAO	Amrith Kumar
OS_VAN_0LWKV3	Belmiro Moreira
OS_VAN_0LYCAJ	Beth Cohen
OS_VAN_0RRY8Q	Curtis Collicutt
OS_VAN_0TIDXE	Feilong Wang
OS_VAN_0V3XRN	Gary Kevorkian
OS_VAN_0V5173	Jean-Daniel Bonnetot
OS_VAN_0VAHBW	Lachlan Evenson
OS_VAN_0XRY2L	Mahadev Satyanarayanan
OS_VAN_0XWY80	Mahati Chamarthy
OS_VAN_0Y9EHE	Masafumi Ohta
OS_VAN_0YTT1P	Nicolas Brousse
OS_VAN_0ZO5PS	Paul Carver
OS_VAN_14IO04	Piotr Wachowicz
OS_VAN_15KAAX	Robert Morse
OS_VAN_16I2O3	Rohit Taneja
OS_VAN_19YSAX	Ryota Mibu
OS_VAN_1EA97O	Shilla Saebi
OS_VAN_1FXTWI	Shuquan Huang
OS_VAN_1I1B1Q	Stig Telfer
OS_VAN_1JUN8T	Tyler DeRosa-Grund

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