[Openstack-track-chairs] Track Chair Feedback

Daniel Krook krook at us.ibm.com
Mon Aug 29 15:09:37 UTC 2016


Thank you again for for the hard work on the tool and improving the
experience each Summit.

A few comments on the process, and ideas mentioned in other threads to this

- In the past we had a single view of all individual track chair selections
as a way to see how many chairs selected the same talk to use as a starting
point for the team list. Not having this view this time around may be a
reason for use of spreadsheets outside the tool.
- I agree it would be good to have the ability to sort by community vote
(but I know the reason we don't have that option is that many other chairs
feel the opposite based on earlier Summit feedback, which is why the
feature is not there).
- The Working Group idea for Track Chairs in Barcelona is a great idea.
It's a great way to meet co-chairs in person and continue to improve the
process (there are a lot of great ideas proposed, such as highlighting
first time speakers, and providing a suggested destination for good talks
that didn't make the Alternate cut).

Jimmy McArthur wrote on 08/24/2016 06:20:00 PM:

> All -
> Thanks again for your hard (and quick!) work on the OpenStack
> Barcelona Summit Track selections. You all did an amazing job and
> we're really grateful to each of you.
> I took notes of feedback, but please feel free to add to the list if
> you feel I've missed something:


> Thank you again!
> Jimmy


Daniel Krook
Senior Software Engineer, IBM Cloud
Distinguished IT Specialist (The Open Group & IBM Senior Certified)
 LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/krook                                      IBM 
 Twitter: http://twitter.com/danielkrook Github:                                     
 http://github.com/krook Meetup:                                                     
 SlideShare: http://www.slideshare.net/danielkrook                                   
 Lanyrd: http://lanyrd.com/profile/krook/ Academy                                    
 of Technology:                                                                      

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