[openstack-tc] Welcome new members, let's choose a chair

Thierry Carrez thierry at openstack.org
Tue May 1 06:12:22 UTC 2018


Congratulations to the new and returning members.
The first two steps are:

1/ Approve the new roster[1]

[1] https://review.openstack.org/565432

You should all be able to use the RollCall+1 vote, which is how we vote
on proposed changes.

2/ Choose a new chair for the upcoming 6-month session

As announced in [2], to be consistent with our goals to grow new
leaders, I decided to rotate out of the chair role for the upcoming
6-month session.


The chair is responsible for making sure the TC charter rules[3] are
followed, and for communicating the decisions taken by the TC to the
Board of Directors and the OpenStack community at large.

[3] https://governance.openstack.org/tc/reference/charter.html

Candidates for the chair position should propose a patch on top of
https://review.openstack.org/565432 adding " {chair}" at the end of the
line for their names in the reference/members file in the
openstack/governance repository.

I'll miss the office hour today (and maybe miss the one on Thursday as
well as I'm traveling) but I'll make sure to catch up with y'all on the
#openstack-tc channel.

Thierry Carrez (ttx)

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