[openstack-tc] How to handle cross-project session proposals

Thierry Carrez thierry at openstack.org
Fri Apr 3 15:48:46 UTC 2015

Hi everyone,

For the Kilo Design Summit planning we moved planning to etherpads and
Google docs, which I think was a success for most teams. For the
cross-project sessions, however, the etherpad open single-document
quickly turned into an ugly mess, with proposals, random comments and
votes all mixed up. That made session selection an unnecessarily painful
task for those involved in it.

My original plan was to revive an ODSREG instance (the old system we
used before Paris), but this is less trivial than expected (mostly
because half the features have been replaced by other tools and need to
be ripped off, but also due to Django having moved on since), and not
exactly perfect anyway (difficult to track comments and votes there).

At this point I am wondering if we should not use instead a Google form
(for submission) with a public sheet for the results (where everyone can
comment but only the track leads can edit). I think that would cover the
basic features we need for this ?

Or we could just bite the bullet and do an etherpad (and maybe edit it a
bit more aggressively than last time to prevent it from getting out of
hand) ?

What would be your take on this ? Any other suggestion ?

Also, which TC members are interested (and have time to dedicate to)
curating the cross-project track in the coming weeks ?

Thierry Carrez (ttx)

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