[openstack-tc] July paper on CLA/DCO issue

Anne Gentle anne at openstack.org
Fri Sep 19 13:21:04 UTC 2014

On Fri, Sep 19, 2014 at 2:04 AM, Richard Fontana <fontana at sharpeleven.org>

> Hi TC,
> At the time of the July OpenStack Foundation board meeting I was a
> lawyer for Red Hat and as part of my work for my then-client I
> substantially prepared a paper on the CLA/DCO issue. That paper was
> provided to the Board, and some slides summarizing some points in the
> paper were presented at the Board meeting.
> As some of you may know I left Red Hat in August and recently started
> a job as a lawyer at HP.


> It was my expectation in July that the paper and/or the slides would
> be published more widely (cf.:
> http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/foundation/2014-July/001718.html).
> This
> apparently was not done.
> A senior employee of my former client has asked that I post the paper
> to this list. The paper (as a form of property) properly belongs to
> Red Hat but was stored in a personal Google Drive account. It's
> here:
> https://docs.google.com/document/d/17aY-R4I_-JE7Lg5Z3VCjdAxIjNRiXZKUaDGBwFq266U/
> +edit?usp=sharing
I'm using Gmail on the web on Chrome for email, and when I click this link
or the attachment, I see"Sorry, the file you have requested does not
exist." Anyone else have this problem?

Thanks Richard for the post,

> I wish to make absolutely clear I am not posting this for my current
> client, but at the request of my former client, and I emphasize again
> that posting it now merely belatedly satisfies an expectation of
> publication that existed in July. Absence of publication would seem to
> be in conflict with at least the spirit of the Foundation's
> Transparency Policy
> (http://www.openstack.org/legal/transparency-policy/).
> The paper makes some references to a draft memo prepared by the
> Foundation's counsel which itself was not published (so far as I know)
> beyond the OpenStack Foundation Legal Affairs Committee, though it may
> be fair to regard it as a partial basis for the PowerPoint slides that
> were posted on this list recently. It should be borne in mind that
> some of the points referenced in that memo may not reflect the current
> views of the Foundation's counsel.
>  - RF
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