[openstack-tc] [openstack-dev] Proposal for API version discovery

Robert Collins robertc at robertcollins.net
Thu May 9 02:15:07 UTC 2013

On 9 May 2013 06:59, Gabriel Hurley <Gabriel.Hurley at nebula.com> wrote:

> Tht perfectly illustrates my biggest concern with doing this on a per-resource basis. The list of "links" gets unconscionably enormous. If I do a "list" call and retrieve 100 instances each with 100 links because you have 20 extensions the whole thing becomes a mess. I think it's much more sane (though less explicit) to understand what's provided by the service and extrapolate that to the individual resources therein.
> As Vish said though, that's the Horizon-esque use case. We deal with the problems of lists of things all the time. It doesn't matter so much for one CLI call, but when you've got dozens or hundreds of simultaneous users, and you have to load all that data every time they change pages... that network traffic adds up fast.

While I agree completely that the overhead adds up, there is another
much more significant factor that we also need to address, which is
latency : REST APIs that have a one-object, one action mapping are
excruciatingly inefficient for bulk operations.

If we're overhauling the style of API, lets take addressing that into


Robert Collins <rbtcollins at hp.com>
Distinguished Technologist
HP Cloud Services

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