[Openstack-security] OSSG election electorate -- all pitches together

Bhandaru, Malini K malini.k.bhandaru at intel.com
Tue Mar 18 05:37:31 UTC 2014

Sriram's pitch
Dear Electorate,

Gentle reminder to vote for the lead candidacy - voting ends on the 19th.

Rob and Malini are great candidates, no doubt about it. However, if you prefer someone independent who is not attached to a vendor/ big company, you can vote for me. I am not employed by any of the big players, an entrepreneur/ independent consultant. 

It doesn't matter whom you are voting for, please do vote. Just 2 more days to go, please vote!


Malini's pitch
Hello OSSG Members!

I would be honored to lead our efforts as a group to making OpenStack more secure and making OSSG a first class OpenStack citizen.
Bryan and Robert have done an excellent job in raising the visibility of security as a cross cutting issue
across OpenStack projects, publishing a book, and chasing the nuances of each security issue in OSSAs and OSSNs. Their shoes will be hard to fill.  

I am proud to be an author of the OpenStack Security Guide, of championing a key manager in OpenStack and being involved with Barbican, assisted in writing up some OSSNs, delivered a few keystone an nova patches, and aided in the design and review of John Hopkins Applied Physics Labs solution for encrypting volumes. 
We have a great team here in OSSG, strong regulars and I hope to grow this core to include cores across the projects to be our security eyes, ears and feature design sanitizers. I have the support of Intel and my team within in this endeavor, and expect to devote even more time to OpenStack.

I am an Architect and Engineering Manager with the Open Source Technology Center at Intel. Over my five plus year tenure at Intel, I have worked on Xeon server power and performance aspects, faster implementations of hashing and encryption algorithms, and for a little less than 2 years on OpenStack. Prior to joining Intel I worked on remote monitoring and management, e-commerce, and speech recognition  products. I have  a Ph.D. in Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence, from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. Last but not least, I enjoy gardening, cooking, and long walks.


Rob's pitch


After speaking at length with Bryan and others (both in the OSSG and at my company, HP) I am delighted to join Malini and Sriram in announcing myself as a candidate for leading the OSSG. Of course this means I can no longer be an election official and as such I humbly request that Bryan validate me as 'active' and include me in the official list of candidates.

What an amazing journey we've been on over the last two years. We've got a lot done in this time, establishing the OSSN process and publishing over 20 pieces of guidance, working with the VMT to assess and triage vulnerabilities, producing the worlds first (and best!) book on OpenStack security and grown our membership numbers to over 100.

In the future I'd like to see us take on more ambitious projects, to further ramp up OSSN releases and continue to develop the security guide - but beyond our current functions I want us to embrace security reviews, to really engage with development teams on security and work together to find more security issues and improve the security architecture that underpins OpenStack. I believe that through conducting group reviews and defining good processes for doing so, we can raise the bar in OpenStack Security together, improving OpenStack as a whole.

I want to see the OSSG get involved in more projects, try new things and extend our capabilities, my role at HP has changed recently and I'm now 100% dedicated to OpenStack facing projects - this means more time from me, and more help from my security team in lifting some of the load. If elected I'll look to delegate responsibility wherever possible so that everyone can contribute as much as they want to and those who like me, have a specific mandate to improve OpenStack security are given the tools and support they need to make it happen.


-----Original Message-----
From: Kurt Seifried [mailto:kseifried at redhat.com] 
Sent: Monday, March 17, 2014 7:09 PM
To: Sriram Subramanian; Bryan D. Payne
Cc: openstack-security at lists.openstack.org
Subject: Re: [Openstack-security] OSSG election electorate

Hash: SHA1

Is there a web page with a list of all the candidates and their statements? I nuked some emails and think I may be missing one or two candidates emails. This would probably be helpful to others as well (to see everything on a single page). Thanks.

- --
Kurt Seifried Red Hat Security Response Team (SRT)
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