[Openstack-security] OSSG: Help Wanted!

Bryan D. Payne bdpayne at acm.org
Wed Nov 20 17:45:18 UTC 2013

Now that the summit is behind us it's time to look forward to how the
OpenStack Security Group can work to improve the security of the
Icehouse release, and promote general security awareness throughout the
community.  As the last IRC meeting (minutes here:
https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/OpenStackSecurity), we
discussed that there are many areas where OSSG could use your help.  I'm
including the list below with hopes of reaching the broader OSSG
community.  If you haven't yet found a way to be involved in the group,
now is the perfect time to step up and make an impact.  Please send any
questions to me, or just speak up at our regular IRC meeting (Thursdays
at 1800 UTC).

Here's a quick list of the areas where you can help:

* OpenStack Security Notes (OSSN): more contributors, goal to publish 1
per week
  - we have had some people step up for this, but more are always

* OpenStack Security Guide (aka "The Book"): 2-3 editors, push ahead
with improvements

* OSSG Community Manager: group visibility, emails, newsletter, etc...
  - we have filled this role, watch for a separate announcement shortly

* Threat Analysis: new effort by Ericson
  - https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Security/Threat_Analysis
  - Ericson leading the way, more help is always welcome

* OSSA / OSSN: posting, archiving, structured feeds... joint with VMT

* Dev Sprints: tbd, led by Eric Windisch
  - need devs to be involved
  - stay tuned for the topic / dates / etc

* OSSG reps to the VMT
  - thanks to Rob Clark (HP) and Joel Coffman (APL) for taking this on

* All integrated projects need security devs!!

For more ideas of how you can contribute please see


PS... It's also worth noting that the OSSG has now grown to over 100
members.  Please help me turn that interest into action!
This message was sent from Launchpad by
Bryan D. Payne (https://launchpad.net/~bdpayne)
to each member of the OpenStack Security Group team using the "Contact this
team" link on the OpenStack Security Group team page
For more information see

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