[openstack-qa] Issue with running tempest and devstack on different machines

David Kranz dkranz at redhat.com
Tue Jul 23 19:39:03 UTC 2013

I am trying to do this where devstack is running on an OpenStack vm with 
a floating ip. The problem is that the floating
ip cannot be accessed from the machine to which it is assigned. The 
default devstack config fails because it configures the
service catalog with the private ip. It seems like this was accounted 
for with the SERVICE_HOST devstack parameter but if I
set that to the floating ip, the devstack install fails because it does 
things like

+ echo 'Waiting for keystone to start...'
Waiting for keystone to start...
+ timeout 60 sh -c 'while ! http_proxy= curl -s >/dev/null; do sleep 1; done'
+ die 316 'keystone did not start'
+ local exitcode=0

Am I missing something, or is there a known solution for this? If not 
then I think SERVICE_HOST would need to be split into one var for values 
in the keystone catalog and another for usage during install.


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