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<style type="text/css">.mceResizeHandle {position: absolute;border: 1px solid black;background: #FFF;width: 5px;height: 5px;z-index: 10000}.mceResizeHandle:hover {background: #000}img[data-mce-selected] {outline: 1px solid black}img.mceClonedResizable, table.mceClonedResizable {position: absolute;outline: 1px dashed black;opacity: .5;z-index: 10000}
</style></head><body style=""><div><span>Hi all,</span></div>
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<div>I tried to copy instances (based on the ubuntu cloud image) from our production cloud to our test cloud according to this description</div>
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<div>but when I start the instance on the test cloud the root password ist resetet and it seems that the cloud-init is invoked and change the instance like it is the first start. Is there a way to prevent this behaviour so the instance stays unchanged when I start it on the test cloud?</div>
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<div>Thanks and kind regards,</div>