<div dir="ltr"><div><div><div><div>Hi All,<br><br></div>I don't normally "do" windows, in fact the image I'm trying to build is my first Windows Server2012 install ever.<br><br></div>I've almost got it, installed the virtio dirvers, installed cloudbase init from the MSI on <a href="http://cloudebase.it">cloudebase.it</a>. The last step of the msi asks to run sysprep, which I agreed to do so it runs and clears out the Administrator password and such then shuts down.<br>
<br></div>Upload the qcow2 to glance and it boots, yay, it has working network, and created the "Admin" user that's meant to get it's password set, double and triple yay. But...<br><br></div><div>rdesktop isn't running yet and 'nova get-password <instance> <private-key>' doesn't get anything.<br>
<br></div><div>If I use the VNC console to reset the Administrator password and login (insecurely) I see a notice that the cloudbase-init is stopped. If I then tell it to start the coludbase-init service the "Admin" password gets set, 'nova get-password' gets a password and I can login as "Admin" with that password with rdesktop...<br>
<br></div><div>the cloudbase-init service has Start type Automatice (which seems good) and the event log shows an envet ID 0 of Severity Error from cloudbase-init at about start up time but shows no detail in the view I'm looking at at least.<br>
<br></div><div>Hopefully this is obvious to anyone with 1/2 a clue, which is significantly more than I have in this particular area, but where do I go from here? It's so close.<br><br></div><div>-Jon<br></div></div>