<div dir="ltr">I came right - thank you everyone for their pointers.<div><br></div><div style>A few tips for anyone doing this:</div><div style><br></div><div style>1) Some of Jordan Rink's stuff in the batch files (driver installs, etc) don't work. Devcon, the certificate and the drivers appear to be in serious need of an update. I've reported the issue on github for anyone who's interested.</div>
<div style>2) If you build with the CDROM attached, then use the E:\WIN8\AMD64 directory for the drivers - everything will be fine and dandy.</div><div style>3) You can select all the applicable drivers when you're loading the one to access the VirtIO disk. When this is done, all drivers will already be in place once the server installation is completed.</div>
<div style><br></div><div style>I will definitely be looking at the evaluation image that was provided, and hope that more will continue to be provided as time goes on!</div></div>