Hi All,<br><br>I am using Folsom release with openvswitch and Quantum. and trying on one node. once one node is up i am adding more nodes in it.<br><br>My Folsom is working fine, i am able to launch instances and they are getting ip but i am not able to ping them and access them from node and not able to access them after giving them floating ip.<br>
<br>Here is my setup description.<br><br>Node1 : nova-compute, nova-scheduler, nova-api, nova-consoleauth , rabbitmq , cinder , Horizon , mysql <br> quantum-server , quantum-dhcp , quantum-l3-agent , quantum-openvswitch-agent<br>
<br>Node1 is having 4 lan card <br>eth0 : (connected to external switch)<br>eth1 : <a href=""></a> (connected to internal switch)<br>eth2: (connected to internal switch)<br>
eth3:br-ex (connected to external switch without ip)<br><br>br-ex : eth3<br>br-int : eth2<br>br-eth1 : eth1<br><br>I want to make a per tenant base network like tenant1 <a href=""></a> and <a href=""></a><br>
tenant2 <a href=""></a> and <a href=""></a> and then want to access them from outside world via floating ip in series of <a href=""></a><br>
<br><br>Please help me to setup this Quantum setup, i am very new in Quantum so want to understand the network flow and router and gateway definition i am using vlan.<br><br>Also let me know which one is better vlan or gre. as per my view vlan require some configuration on switch and gre not. if its true which switch is this openvswitch or physical cisco switch.<br>
<br>-- <br>ViVek Raghuwanshi<br>Mobile -+91-09595950504<br> <br>Skype - vivek_raghuwanshi<br><br><br>