Am 24.05.2012 20:43 schrieb "Lorin Hochstein" <<a href="mailto:lorin@nimbisservices.com">lorin@nimbisservices.com</a>>:<br>
> On May 24, 2012, at 2:39 PM, Christian Parpart wrote:<br>
>> On Thu, May 10, 2012 at 11:49 PM, Christian Parpart <<a href="mailto:trapni@gmail.com">trapni@gmail.com</a>> wrote:<br>
>>> Hey all,<br>
>>> I am wondering how these two terms are related with each other.<br>
>>> I now know, that both terms are (kind of) interchangeable, however,<br>
>>> I wonder why then we have two database tables (keystone.tenants<br>
>>> and nova.projects) for the same thing, or, I have to actively populate<br>
>>> the latter to make actual use of it from within the dashboard / nova.<br>
>>> Can anyone please fix my misinterpretion, or clarify, why I (as an admin)<br>
>>> need to explicitly invoke `nova-manage project create .... && ... add ..."?<br>
>> nobody?<br>
>> I still can't distinguish here, even though I am working with OpenStack for quite a few weeks now :-(<br>
>> Best regards,<br>
>> Christian.<br>
> It's a legacy thing. The initial implementation of nova (before keystone) implemented its own authorization and had "projects". When keystone was implemented it called these "tenants" instead, and nobody ever went through the nova code and did a search and replace. <br>
<p>Hey, many thanks for this clarificarion. :-)</p>
<p>Can you please give me an advice on how to handly rhis situation for the time being?<br>
Does nova play nicely and know what i mean unless i create the record on both tables, or how should i handle it in essex?</p>
<p>Many thanks,<br>