Hi all,<div><br></div><div>due to the fact, that I cannot provide all compute nodes with public IPs (allowing us</div><div>to run nova-network on each compute node), we're having one (or two in fact) frontend</div><div>
node doing the public network traffic work.</div><div><br></div><div>So, how can I make a single nova-network node highly available?</div><div>It would be fine to have some vrrpd/keepalived enabled node, that then</div><div>
starts/stops the sensible services (like nova-network) in question.</div><div><br></div><div>However, does this work well with nova-network?</div><div>Will this produce some noticable delay in availability when the active master goes down</div>
<div>and until the current slave has fully become the master (with nova-network being started up)?</div><div>How does this affect the nova environment.</div><div>Especially, thinking of the `nova-manage service list` output, where only one nova-network instance</div>
<div>ought to be then, but in HA mode, we are to have at least 2 then. How well does Nova play with that?</div><div><br></div><div>Thanks in advance,</div><div>Christian Parpart.</div>