<br>Hi,<br><br>When I am using "st" tool from a client machine to interact with swift service which was ssl enabled (self signed certs.) I am getting the following error <br><br>[shashi@pvfs4 tmp]$ ./st stat -A <a href="https://192.1x.x.x:8080/auth/v1">https://192.1x.x.x:8080/auth/v1</a> -U test:tester -K testing <br>
Traceback (most recent call last):<br> File "./st", line 1715, in ?<br> error_queue)<br> File "./st", line 1256, in st_stat<br> headers = conn.head_account()<br> File "./st", line 764, in head_account<br>
return self._retry(head_account)<br> File "./st", line 737, in _retry<br> self.url, self.token = self.get_auth()<br> File "./st", line 725, in get_auth<br> return get_auth(self.authurl, self.user, self.key, snet=self.snet)<br>
File "./st", line 181, in get_auth<br> parsed, conn = http_connection(url)<br> File "./st", line 154, in http_connection<br> if parsed.scheme == 'http':<br>AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute 'scheme'<br>
[shashi@pvfs4 tmp]$ <br><br><br>Earlier it was working fine with http protocol , but failed with https protocol <br><br>Thanks & Regards,<br>shashi <br>