[Openstack-operators] [LCOO] August 17 General Coordination meeting

MCCABE, JAMEY A jm6819 at att.com
Fri Aug 18 14:54:09 UTC 2017

Thanks for the attention Jay and Curtis.  We did have IRC session live with our LCOO bi-weekly meeting yesterday. It was a trial - both IRC and the Telephone/Video bridge at the same time.  Here's the IRC part: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/lcoo/ Not much about merger of Operators Telco/NFV was discussed.  We'll invite Curtis to an upcoming session and try to get others from LCOO member operations teams to also come.

While I have the podium and for those interested, the LCOO Working Group was started by a group of Private Cloud Operators who wanted to bring more collaborative attention (read our own community development teams) to implementing enhancements or maintenance of things we find in common.  The idea is to bring in such organizations as a whole with Stakeholders in those companies coming to value it and thus devoting more resources to the community teams over time.  A number of us are of the Telecom type but we tried not to limit it since the definition of Telecom and Communications is rapidly changing. It's slow going and still trying to get to the point where we have clear examples of our delivery of things via this approach. Extreme Testing (for us we call a Specialization) is one we instigated and facilitating.  It is being discussed in in openstack-dev ML and we are working hard to bring it appropriately to PTG and Sydney Summit (and SIGs approach). Anyway if anyone is interested to investigate further, please reply or reach out to me: jamemcc at gmail dot com.

On 08/16/2017 09:25 PM, Curtis wrote:

> On Wed, Aug 16, 2017 at 12:03 AM, Jay Pipes <jaypipes at gmail.com<http://lists.openstack.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/openstack-operators>> wrote:

>> Hi Curtis, Andrew U, Jamie M,


>> May I request that if the telco working group merges with the LCOO, that we

>> get regular updates to the openstack[-operator|-dev] mailing list with

>> information about the goings-on of LCOO? Would be good to get a bi-weekly or

>> even monthly summary.


>> Other working groups host their meetings on IRC and publish status reports

>> to the mailing lists fairly regularly. I personally find this information

>> quite useful and would be great to see a similar effort from LCOO.


> If we do merge I will see what I can do. :)

Cool, thanks Curtis. The publish-to-ML summaries of working groups have

been very helpful for me.



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