[Openstack-operators] CMDB

Shane Gibson Shane_Gibson at symantec.com
Thu May 7 15:27:01 UTC 2015

At Symantec we use YiDB for CMDB data - however - we find it to be lacking as it is NOT a GraphDB, but emulates GraphDB like behavior.  In addition, it requires MongoDB as a backing store - and that will eventually corrupt and lose your data...often silently (please direct your flame mail to /dev/null .... thank you).   We also have a project (the lead author) which is a complete rewrite of the Yahoo "libCrange" tool; called Range++.

Range++ is a full GraphDB solution designed specifically to act as a CMS (config mgmt service - I dislike the term "cmdb").  In addition it can easily also support ENC (external node cllassifier) duties as well.  Range++ is designed to allow you to describe your topology and environment with the idea of "environments" and with "clusters" and "clusters within clusters".  Range++ is in operation at LinkedIN, Yahoo, and Mozilla.  Range++ is also integrated within the Saltstack tool for targetting via the "-R" (range cluster) syntax - as it's completely "libCrange" compatible. Conceptually - you can "describe" your environments and physical assets, then describe your application via a configuration file (say YAML), then via your config mgmt tooling, prescriptively build that "cluster" by populating your CM tools metadata, and assigning resources from physical/virtual assets.

Our existing deployment (bare metal) framework dynamically auto discovers assets as they come online, and populates our CMS with the asset data and information.

Note that Range++ is in active use and development, and is located on GITHUB:  https://github.com/jbeverly/rangexx

I have updated the Etherpad with this info.


On Wed, May 6, 2015 at 10:36 PM, Allamaraju, Subbu <subbu at subbu.org<mailto:subbu at subbu.org>> wrote:
Hi Tom,

Thanks for adding this slot.

We do have a fairly full-fledged CMDB in house that keeps tracks of all our infra and apps. Unfortunately none of that team is going to be able to make it to the Summit, but I’m trying to have someone do a demo remotely and participate on EtherPad.


> On May 6, 2015, at 3:04 AM, Tom Fifield <tom at openstack.org<mailto:tom at openstack.org>> wrote:
> Hi,
> Is anyone interested enough in CMDB to run a working session on it at
> the design summit?
> https://libertydesignsummit.sched.org/event/553947ceb7c1c223fa689da188abb9a9
> It was suggested on the planning etherpad, but so far we've found no-one
> interested in running it.
> Regards,
> Tom
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