[Openstack-operators] Invoke 'Migare server' API/CLI report error

Yuan, Ye A ye.a.yuan at intel.com
Mon Jan 14 05:52:33 UTC 2013

Hi all,
I'm confusion about that when I call 'nova migrate -poll <server uuid>' CLI in terminal, nova-api report error as below:

Line 534 : 2013-01-14 13:28:21 DEBUG nova.api.openstack.common [req-dca36081-8cc3-4547-9059-12684539946b 73f8be41d9e3432a876f64534f396361 ea700724d021496ead74f2fb1aeea7db] Generated ERROR from vm_state=error task_state=resize_prep. from (pid=1808) status_from_state /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/nova/api/openstack/common.py:96
Line 528 : 2013-01-14 13:28:21 DEBUG nova.api.openstack.common [req-72ccb615-8eb3-4d07-8c91-019c6c7e1dce 73f8be41d9e3432a876f64534f396361 ea700724d021496ead74f2fb1aeea7db] Generated ERROR from vm_state=error task_state=resize_prep. from (pid=1808) status_from_state /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/nova/api/openstack/common.py:96

And call nova show <server uuid>:
|               Property              |                                           Value                                           |
| OS-DCF:diskConfig                   | MANUAL                                                                                    |
| OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:host                | shzcnnode1                                                                                |
| OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:hypervisor_hostname | None                                                                                      |
| OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:instance_name       | instance-00000115                                                                         |
| OS-EXT-STS:power_state              | 0                                                                                         |
| OS-EXT-STS:task_state               | resize_prep                                                                               |
| OS-EXT-STS:vm_state                 | error                                                                                     |
| accessIPv4                          |                                                                                           |
| accessIPv6                          |                                                                                           |
| config_drive                        |                                                                                           |
| created                             | 2013-01-10T06:51:28Z                                                                      |
| fault                               | {u'message': u'ProcessExecutionError', u'code': 500, u'created': u'2013-01-14T05:28:26Z'} |
| flavor                              | m1.small                                                                                  |
| hostId                              | 4cf2f97a38cf89509bd3feea2102ad5fdce10133d28fdcb7982046d6                                  |
| id                                  | 76613817-4deb-4e40-8e53-554f23252efd                                                      |
| image                               | ubuntu-server                                                                             |
| key_name                            |                                                                                           |
| metadata                            | {}                                                                                        |
| name                                | ubuntu-2GB                                                                                |
| status                              | ERROR                                                                                     |
| tenant_id                           | ea700724d021496ead74f2fb1aeea7db                                                          |
| updated                             | 2013-01-14T05:29:02Z                                                                      |
| user_id                             | 73f8be41d9e3432a876f64534f396361                                                          |
| vlan1 network                       |                                                                              |

If anyone has experience and solution to debug& fix this issue, pls let me know!!!

Best wishes,
Yale Yuan

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