[OpenStack-Infra] StarlingX / Infra teams sync-up at PTG

Saul Wold sgw at linux.intel.com
Tue Apr 23 23:54:46 UTC 2019

Infra Team,

The StarlingX Project would like to request a 30-60 minute sync up to 
talk about some of the challenges that StarlingX faces with regards to 
build and test infrastructure.

As StarlingX is an integration project that creates a Linux Distribution 
with a Cloud infrastructure on top of it, this makes it more challenging 
to both build and test. The current OpenStack Foundation infrastructure 
is good as building and testing projects such as Nova, Neutron, ... It 
could be used to build and test the individual components of the 
StarlingX Flock, such as Fault and others. It's not well suited to build 
the complete StarlingX ISO and test that ISO.

We want to explore what the existing resources that are available and 
understand how and what we can add to the infrastructure to enable the 
build and testing that StarlingX will require.

We hope that we can find an hour timeslot during the PTG that we can 
talk further about this with both teams.  Our timeslots overlap Thrusday 
afternoon and Friday so we could put it on our adgendas.

Please let us know if you have available time slots.



StarlingX TSC

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