[OpenStack-Infra] Retiring some repos?

Clark Boylan cboylan at sapwetik.org
Tue Aug 28 21:50:40 UTC 2018

On Sun, Aug 19, 2018, at 9:47 AM, Andreas Jaeger wrote: 
> A quick search with codesearch suggests that these can be retired since 
> I couldn't find a user:
> openstack-infra/activity-board
> openstack-infra/beaker-localhost
> openstack-infra/beaker-nodepool
> openstack-infra/err2d2
> openstack-infra/featuretracker (together with puppet-featuretracker, not 
> listed above)
> openstack-infra/js-afs-blob-store
> openstack-infra/js-generator-openstack
> openstack-infra/js-openstack-registry-hooks
> openstack-infra/nose-html-output
> openstack-infra/openstackweb
> openstack-infra/puppet-docker_registry
> openstack-infra/project-config-example
> openstack-infra/pynotedb
> openstack-infra/pypi-mirror
> openstack-infra/releasestatus (together with puppet-releasestatus, not 
> listed above)
> openstack-infra/trystack-site
> openstack-infra/vinz
> openstack-infra/vinz-webclient
> openstack-infra/zuul-packaging
> That's 21 repositories.
> Andreas

I think these repos can definitely be retired:
# Was part of bitergia work with openstack which is no longer done

# These may have been attempts at having puppet beaker testing play nice with our CI but we hacked around it by pointing the beaker config at localhost. There are no commits here should be safe to retire.

# Part of a plan to make our IRC bots errbot driven but more recent spec has us sticking with supybot fork and plugins.

# Allowed us to mirror npm packages on afs until npm grew too large. I think we can retire this as we don't mirror npm any longer

# Appears to be a cookiecutter like system for openstack js projects. Maybe we should just use cookiecutter?

# Was tooling to make a mirror of a subset of pypi. We moved to bandersnatch and now just proxy cache pypi

# Trystack has been retired due to spam and the passport program is suggested instead

# Project to provide alternate Gerrit UI that never got commits

Repos we should probably keep:
# This is/was meant to be the upstream home of the openstack website but the transition stalled when the devs continued to use github after creating this repo in gerrit.

# this is intended to show consumers of infra config management what a project-config looks like

We should directly reach out to the authors of the other projects listed to see if they should be retired.

Hope this helps,

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