[OpenStack-Infra] [zuul] Priorities, backlog and awesome new future things

Jesse Keating jkeating at j2solutions.net
Fri Jun 16 23:23:10 UTC 2017

On Fri, Jun 16, 2017 at 12:15 PM, Monty Taylor <mordred at inaugust.com> wrote:

> Hey all,
> We have an important balancing act going on right now, and we also have an
> increasing number of lovely humans playing in our playbox. (hello lovely
> people!)
> The balancing act is that we're in the final push of getting this bad boy
> rolled out, and we're having to keep a tight focus on that initial finish
> line. BUT - we did purposely design Zuul v3 to be friendly for other folks
> to run and extend, so it's TOTALLY REASONABLE for folks to be interested in
> working on things that fall into that area.
> We need to both empower those friends, but make it clear that while we
> support their needs and their enthusiasm, we're making a conscious decision
> to keep our focus on the core for the next little bit so that we can get it
> out and be in a good position to spend more time working with folks on new
> things.
> For anyone who is just starting to pay attention (or as a reminder for the
> rest of us) the current top-priority list is:
> - Get it Rolled out for OpenStack
> - Get BonnyCI running with no local changes
> - Document use and operation well to empower consumption
> - Get it Rolled out for Ansible
> There are a few other things that aren't strictly required for those but
> that we've all pretty much agreed are still in-scope for current effort.
> Supporting them is still lower priority than direct work on the above, but
> it's totally in scope and should get review bandwidth/engagement.
> - Define Nodepool Provider Plugin Interface
> - Implement Static Node support for Nodepool
> Then there's a TON of stuff on the radar we'd love to be in Zuul or that
> we know we need to solve or do. It seems to me that we need a list of those
> things so that people know:
> a) Yes, we're aware
> b) Yes, we also think it's cool and desirable
> c) Sorry, we're purposely not touching it today
> Some of these things may get stories in storyboard - but honestly some of
> them are just placeholders indicating that we need to have a discussion
> about them later - or that we'll write a story later when we know something.
> I propose putting a list into the zuul repo in a ROADMAP.rst file. It's an
> easy place for us to keep track of the efforts that are under way and the
> ones that we know are a thing and want to do but are purposely not working
> on yet.
> I don't think this is a replacement for the use of storyboard - but since
> the majority of this list is "not even designing it yet" stage, I think a
> quick summary that's easy to reference is in order.
Thanks for writing this Monty! I think a ROADMAP file would be wonderful,
while the feature/v3 branch exists.
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