[OpenStack-Infra] Tools for tracking the Scientific WG

Zara Zaimeche zara.zaimeche at codethink.co.uk
Tue May 10 09:27:15 UTC 2016

Hi! Some notes on the interface (hopefully we should have a nice 
tutorial eventually):

On 10/05/16 09:02, Stig Telfer wrote:
>> On 10 May 2016, at 01:00, Blair Bethwaite <blair.bethwaite at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Jeremy,
>> On 10 May 2016 at 03:25, Jeremy Stanley <fungi at yuggoth.org> wrote:
>>> Worth noting, Storyboard does have kanban functionality similar to
>>> that. It calls them "worklists" (simple) or "boards" (customizable
>>> multi-lane) but they're the same sort of card organizing system.
>> I thought so as I quickly found the list functionality... But tbh I
>> find the interface somewhat confusing and could not, after another 5
>> minutes just now, figure out how to add items to a list... they seem
>> to have to exist as "tasks" or "stories" already, but I can't figure
>> out how to create a "task" (or perhaps what the difference between a
>> "task and a "story" is?), and "stories" seem to have to be part of a
>> project, but I can't create a project...?

Yeah, tasks can only be added to a board after being created as part of 
a story. (stories can be created from the board view-- 'create story' on 
the left when you click 'add a card'. That page doesn't yet allow users 
to add tasks to an existing story, but that is on the list of things to 
fix in the future.)

In the meantime, one can create a task via the 'add task' button on a 
story detail view (eg: 
https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/2000476) or the 'add another 
task' button when creating a new story. On tasks vs stories, from the 
about page:

'A story is a bug report or proposed feature. Stories are then further 
split into tasks, which affect a given project and branch'

So roughly, a story is the goal a team is working toward. A task is a 
specific item of work the team is doing to meet that goal. As I 
understand it, StoryBoard mandates that tasks are tied to stories so 
that it's clearer a) why people are doing things and b) so that tasks 
are trackable. Each task within a story can be tied to a different 
project, to allow for cross-project work to be recorded. It's not 
possible to create a task in isolation from its goal or the project it 

(In general, unusual things about the StoryBoard interface are due to it 
being designed for cross-project work on the scale of OpenStack. Whether 
or not a team benefits from the quirks probably depends on how much that 
team plans to coordinate with other teams.)

> I had a go on the sandbox instance and (perhaps because I authenticated) could see the options for creating new stories, worklists and boards, but couldn’t see a way of creating a new project to put them all in.  Is that something that requires greater admin privileges?

Yes, that's right, currently only logged in users can create stories, 
tasks, boards and worklists, and only admin users can create projects 
(and project groups).

> Best wishes,
> Stig
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