[OpenStack-Infra] Infra team summit sessions scheduled

Jeremy Stanley fungi at yuggoth.org
Fri Apr 15 04:19:32 UTC 2016

After much obsessing, I have our session schedule as finalized as I
can. Here's the basic summary [in Austin-local CDT (UTC-05:00)]:

    09:00-09:40 fishbowl "Community Task-Tracking" (MR 400)
        conflicts: ansible, refstack, docs
    11:50-12:30 work session "Landing Page for Contributors" (MR 416A)
        conflicts: ironic, nova(ci), ansible, docs
    13:50-14:30 work session "Launch-Node, Ansible and Puppet" (MR 416A)
        conflicts: ironic, oslo, puppet
    15:30-16:10 fishbowl "Wiki Upgrades" (MR 400)
        conflicts: oslo, qa(ci)

    09:00-09:40 work session "Proposal Jobs" (MR 416A)
        conflicts: ansible, oslo, solum, neutron(mtu)
    09:50-10:30 work session "Robustify Ansible-Puppet" (MR 416A)
        conflicts: ansible, defcore, docs(contrib guide)
    11:00-11:40 fishbowl "OpenID/SSO for Community Systems" (MR 400)
        conflicts: ansible, oslo, docs
    16:10-16:50 fishbowl "Distro Upgrade Plans" (MR 400)
        conflicts: osc, oslo, solum, tripleo

    Infra/QA sprints (MR 404 and elsewhere)

You can also browse it at:

<URL: https://www.openstack.org/summit/austin-2016/summit-schedule/global-search?t=Infrastructure%3A >

I'll start putting together the linked Etherpads next week unless
some of you beat me to it.

I'm going to be offline vacationing for the next three days, but if
you spot an absolute impossibility (like you volunteered to lead a
session but are also scheduled to give a conference talk in the same
time slot) then please work with Elizabeth K. Joseph (pleia2) on a
reasonable compromise solution and have her request whatever
last-minute scheduling adjustments we need through Thierry Carrez or
Mike Perez.

I did my best to avoid conflicts over related topics and different
people's various other engagements as much as I could, but some were
inevitable (for example, we don't have a single work session that
doesn't either conflict with Ansible or Puppet team sessions, yet we
have two work sessions about both). Thanks for reading this far, and
I hope to see many of you in Austin!
Jeremy Stanley
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