[OpenStack-Infra] How upstream jenkins coohses server

Jeremy Stanley fungi at yuggoth.org
Mon Aug 4 18:00:32 UTC 2014

On 2014-08-04 14:54:11 -0300 (-0300), Erlon Cruz wrote:
> I think that the question is whose CIs will be run for each patch.
> For example, this patchsets(1)(2) have different CIs being run in
> each. What is the criteria, and who selects what runs in each?

It's up to the individual CI operators to configure their systems to
run and report on whatever they think they should. Generally the
project(s) which you're testing will provide some guidelines as to
what they want to see tested (so for Cinder, you should be asking
the Cinder development community as they're your primary audience).
Jeremy Stanley

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